The Transformation School Courses


This free course is for you if:

► You want to have that cup-overflowing feeling of JOY with your career

► You are craving MORE inspiration, fulfillment and purpose with your work in the world

► You’re ready to experience more joy and success without working harder


Trigger-Free is a self-guided course with a scientifically-backed method to permanently eliminate anxiety, stress, worry and triggers.

This self-guided course is for you if:

► You want to feel peace and joy instead of stress, worry or anxiety

► You want to have control over your emotions so they don’t control you

► You want to stop getting triggered so you can move through your day with confidence and ease

You want to get started right now with a process that will change your life and provide you with immediate relief


Your Life’s Work is a 10-month live group workshop with coursework and coaching

This course is for you if:

► You want cup-overflowing joy and passion for your work in the world

► You want to find your purpose and connect it with the work that you do

► You want more freedom to do what you want to do without compromising financial abundance

► You want confidence, success, AND joy without feeling stressed or overwhelmed

► You want a step-by-step process to learn how to manifest anything you want to

You’re ready to transform your career into a mind-blowing dream job without having to work harder to get there


Transform Foundations is a 16-week live group workshop with coursework and coaching.

This course is for you if:

► You want to shift from stress ➜ joy and anxiety ➜ peace

► Your ready to stop feeling overwhelmed and start feeling lit up, alive, creative and excited to live your life

► You want live support and accountability to help you transform your life

This course is currently closed for enrollment, be sure to get on the waitlist below to be notified when enrollment opens again!


Here’s how it works, step-by-step


Choose Your Course & Enroll

Pick The Transformation School course that feels right for you and apply or immediately enroll.


Set aside 1-4 hours a week and start seeing mind-blowing results immediately.

Courses through The Transformation School are designed to get you huge results quickly with as minimal effort required (after all, we know you’re busy). As soon as you enroll and get started, your life will immediately start changing for the better.


Get continuous support as you strategically change your life for the better

Stay accountable, get support and build momentum with live coaching included with most TTS courses.

Why It Works

All courses include tested methods that get you RESULTS

The most successful people in the world get that way fast by using experts and tested methods that work. That’s exactly what you’re getting with The Transformation School courses.

All of our premium courses offer high-quality, tested, well-researched methods that will finally get you the results that you’re wanting.

Stop struggling and let us lay out the path for you.

Tools that really work…. immediately

How many times have you gone to talk therapy, worked out or meditated, only to find you’re triggered or upset again later that day?

At The Transformation School we offer scientifically-backed cutting edge tools and methods that make you feel better fast AND your results will last.

Magic infused every step of the way!

Self-transformation doesn’t have to be boring, difficult or grueling.

Instead, it can be exciting, interesting, and even magical. ✨

Start feeling good and getting mind-blowing results today.